DAT Bergbautechnik GmbH
Booth number: W1102
About us
DAT Bergbautechnik GmbH is synonymous with innovative and state-of-the-art technology including the technical advice for their customers and the service offerings necessary for such complex installations.
DAT has the necessary system knowledge as well as the most experienced specialists to work out solutions quickly and service our customers worldwide.
DAT additionally calls in companies specializing in certain components and component groups who help instantly and in an uncomplicated manner whenever problems occur.
Our hallmarks are state-of-the-art mining technology, quality, on-time delivery and an excellent service which all contribute to your success at the mines. DAT supports its customers up to the point when the installations are taken into operation and of course offers an optimum after-sales service.
The customers decide whether they want support when the need arises or continuous support the details of which are laid down in a service contract.
An Schornacker 61
46485 Wesel
Phone: +49 2812 067170
Products & Services
DAT supplies customer specific control systems which distinguish themselves for an easy handling as well as an easy maintenance.
DAT preferential uses valves in cartridge construction type which characterizes itself by an uncomplicated replacement in case of repair. Our scope of delivery includes inexpensive standard valves as well as customized valves. All water-bearing components are made of stainless steel, brass or ceramics.
Scope of supply: Electronic and Manual Control Systems/Valve Technology/Mobile Hydraulic Testing Bench/Face Supply/Pump Stations/Spraying Systems/Water Distribution/Filter Systems/Hydraulic Fluids/Pipelines/Hoses/Fittings
Our day-to-day work is focused on development and construction.